18 November 2007

South Tyrol

Since it has been very very cold here in Innsbruck city for the last days, i found a very neat way to flee from here easily:
i chose to take part in a university's excursion (again) to South Tyrol, which is - as the name already tells - south. South of the Alps and so it is mainly untroubled by snow and cold in winter! How convenient!

A view in the lovely city of Meran. Note: while landscapes north of the Alps are already "gifted" with thick white snow covers, you may enjoy a nice late autumn afternoon south of the mountain range.

What a wonderful world! After all a journey from Innsbruck to South Tyrol should only take you about 2 hours. Depending on where you're going.

The most interesting sight has been Castle Tyrol:

... with its most impressive romanic portals:

...and mediaeval frescos:

(At this point i was humming the lines from David Gray's "Nos da cariad":
"Hold on to St. Christopher
The sky is murderous red
Go to sleep my one true love
Our glory lies ahead"...)

All in all Castle Tyrol is place very worth visiting, not only if you're interested in Tyrol's and South Tyrol's history and contemporary history but also because of its rich (culture) historic treasures!

3 Kommentare:

Ich hat gesagt…

Yeah, you know, there isn't that much snow at the south side of the Alps because it is the SOUTH :-) Still weird cos it is the Alps and there should be snow, shouldn't there? *g* I don't care, I am soon going to London anyway and there won't be any snow at all *hooray*

Anonym hat gesagt…

Ay, que pena! Tanto me habia gustado estar alli contigo, mi querida. Bueno, no pasa nada - en otra occasion seguramente haremos nuestro propio pequenno viaje a Südtirol, te parece? (Sin el Sr. Cortador!)
Besitos, alguien que te quiero mucho, mucho, mucho

Ninni hat gesagt…

well, i guess, the north-south-thingy doesn't work then anyway, since london is far more north than austria...?

el sr. cortador no abia pero el sr. tiburon con d ;P
tengo muchas ganas para ir a Südtirol contigo!!! besitos