27 März 2007

Sitting in the sun

"And if you feel that you can't go on. And your will's sinkin' low
Just believe and you can't go wrong.
In the light you will find the road. You will find the road"
(In the light, Led Zeppelin)

Well, well! I'm so glad, that the days are getting brighter and warmer. People - like me - are sitting in the sun, enjoying its warmth. And did you notice that people's mood is much better now than it was when it was cold?

Here's a little insider-gag to improve your mood (if it isn't good yet!):

19 März 2007

Time for a riddle

Pssst! This time i have sort of riddle for you. "A riddle, a riddle", some of you may shout. Well, let's see if you can make out where i stranded this time ;)

You see, i met with a hardly vested gentleman - ok this is the point where Vero is not allowed to guess anymore! =^+^=

Eh, i felt like a queen there - but damn, where is my crown and my royal household?!

all right, here he is: my king! (of my heart)

Isn't this a view for a king? - Or rather for a queen since it's the "Fraueninsel" and this means Lady's Island ;)

...And should you not already have figured out, where in the world this lovely place is, check this out: about Chiemsee

08 März 2007

My new pet

Since last time my friend Vero gave me an Aquapet as a present, which was at first sight only pink and annoying, it became my sweet pet since i do not have one here in Innsbruck cuz my cat lives with my father in Salzburg. I named her "Lola". And to be true these toys are a real waste of time - but lovely anyhow.

Now i found, that one can creat one's own Aquapet online. Which i did of course and (to Vero), doesn't it look like Otto? *ggg*

Btw: he's a great fan of Beethoven *OMG*

02 März 2007

Poetry for you

Como una promesa, eres tú, eres tú.
Como una mañana de verano.
Como una sonrisa, eres tú, eres tú.
Así, así, eres tú.

Toda mi esperanza, eres tú, eres tú.
Como lluvia fresca en mis manos
como fuerte brisa, eres tú, eres tú.
Así, así, eres tú.

Eres tú como el agua de mi fuente (algo así eres tú)
Eres tú el fuego de mi hogar
Eres tú como el fuego de mi hoguera
Eres tú el trigo de mi pan.

Como mi poema, eres tú, eres tú.
Como una guitarra en la noche,
todo mi horizonte eres tú, eres tú.
Así, así, eres tú.

Eres tú...
( Words and music by Juan Carlos Calderón)

Like a promise, you are, you are
Like a summer morning
Like a smile, you are, you are
Like that, like that, you are
All my hope, you are, you are
Like fresh rain in my hands
Like a strong breeze, you are, you are; like that, like that, you are

You are like the water of my fountain (something like that, you are)
You are the fire of my fireplace
You are like the fire of my bonfire
You are the wheat of my bread

Like my poem, you are, you are
Like a guitar in the night
My whole horizon you are, you are; like that, like that, you are

You are...