My new pet
Since last time my friend Vero gave me an Aquapet as a present, which was at first sight only pink and annoying, it became my sweet pet since i do not have one here in Innsbruck cuz my cat lives with my father in Salzburg. I named her "Lola". And to be true these toys are a real waste of time - but lovely anyhow.

Now i found, that one can creat one's own Aquapet online. Which i did of course and (to Vero), doesn't it look like Otto? *ggg*

Btw: he's a great fan of Beethoven *OMG*
Now i found, that one can creat one's own Aquapet online. Which i did of course and (to Vero), doesn't it look like Otto? *ggg*
Btw: he's a great fan of Beethoven *OMG*
3 Kommentare:
Hehe, ohh, I forgot to inquire after Lola! How is dear Lola? Thanks for the lovely MMS you sent me just before I went off to Vienna. I loved her new dance ;-) Quite unique, aye?! *lol*
Oh and yes, he does look a lot like Otto! Maybe you should get Otto as well? I mean, afterall Lola does need some friends, doesn't she? She has to make social contacts otherwise she'll be too lonely and before you can think, she'll turn out all weird and maybe dress and wear make up like the guys from Tokio Hotel do *scary*.
PS: I'm really glad you like Lola so much now :-)
yeah, she's my gootchie gootchie baby!
but i'm afraid, she won't like otto anyway, cuz each aqua pet has its one "mates" and otto doesn't count to lola's mates so far... ^^
and after all i'm a psychologist (soon at least), and if she behaves bad, i'll know what to do 8)
luv, ingrid
Ohhh but then you've to organise her a few "real" friends! ;-) Not such superficial guys like Otto ... *g*
Greetings to dear Lola anyway!
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