29 Februar 2008

Carlos Núñez

I have been already looking forward to February 26th for already quite a long time. After all, Carlos Núñez would have a gig round the corner, one of my favourite musicians for already more than 10 years.
Of course i have pre-ordered the tickets long before because i wanted to make sure that i will have seats in this cosy venue: the "house of culture" in Waldkraiburg (somewhere in eastern Bavaria). Due to the fact that i have had already the honour to watch Carlos and his band in action - last time at a big festival - i chose this small venue because i hoped for a more intimate atmosphere. And i haven't been disappointed...! ;)

(The entrance of the house of culture)

In fact we found the house of culture a modern venue and the hall where the concert was to take place - the small one - was devided into two areas for the audience: in front of the stage were several round bistro-tables where people could sit and drink and in the rear were a couple of rows of chairs. I immediately fell in love with the ambiance!
But before entering the hall, i had to solve a tiny problem: i left my tickets at home in Innsbruck! Yes, it was all embarassing and vexing, but it came to my mind only when i already was in train to Salzburg... But fortunately i had a call to the ticket office - which was fortunately belonging to the venue itself - and the chief told me that i would not be necessary to drive back to Innsbruck to get the tickets but they were actually reserved on my name and i only would have to identify myself. And so it all went ok, although i had an anxious feeling until i took my seat in the audience...

(My ticket - remaining untouched forever...)

And i must admit that we maybe had the best seats in the whole audience, as far as you don't like to sit in the first row, to count the artist's vibrissae...:

Since we sat first row, a little elevated behind the mixer's desk, we perfectly saw everything. Meanwhile Carlos talks a little german as well - even if he still needs to read his notes in additon.
This time Carlos Núñez' tour had the name Celtic Flamenco, and so they played a gorgeous mixture of various celtic-influenced music, mainly from Galicia of course, but full of flamenco-elements, contributed by flamenco-guitarrist Victor Romero. And - maybe due to the fact that the band has just come back from a trip to Cuba - they played some cuban rumbas and i even had the chance to watch Xurxo (the drummer and Carlos' brother) on congas! He has also improved since the last time i saw him. The new girl in the band also did a great job, although i must confess, i missed Begoña Riobó - but this is only because i really liked her very much!

In the second part people were more enthusiastic and started to sing along (mainly me, but i simply cannot resist "Para Vigo me voy") and in the end the audience was dancing and celebrating a big party (only the half of it, because the other ones were elderly people, but it was fuuun!). Carlos and his band had to come back on stage several times because the audience simply didn't want to stop dancing and yelling. I haven't actually expected to end up partying in a little venue in a little town somewhere in Bavaria with Carlos Núñez shaking hands, but as life is full of surprises, i was very happy to have been there.

27 Februar 2008

News from our flat

In the last weeks we have been adding some things to our flat in order to make it a cosier place. You know, when you live at a certain place you naturally want to feel comfortable in it, don't you?

...and not only this little spring's messenger did we add, but surprisingly did something else in our flat begin to grow...

Yes, it started with a neat aquarium. And then we suddenly found ourselves with several little "brothers" of it.
(Our fish tend to be rather shy ones... =^+^=)

But these crabs are rather lively guys =)

And to have a place for leisure, we got very friendly with an elbow chair...
We call it "the philospher's chair".

21 Februar 2008


Yesterday, as i was just browsing my online-newspaper, i was very shocked by the headline:

Two red pandas killed in Nürnberg Zoo! The two were found with slashed bellies in their enclosure.

Although there are many animals killed every minute, but i'm nevertheless horrified about people going round and kill defenseless animals just for fun!

13 Februar 2008

My pet-to-be

I always loved animals, and my favourite pets have always been cats.
(The one on the left is my kitty =))

But since i've seen this cuuuute fellows, i know what my future-pet is gonna be:

11 Februar 2008

The "why-should-i-be-on-time" day

First of all i want to anticipate that i have never been a very duly person. Actually i am running most of the time to be as less late as possible.
It is said that timeliness is a question of courtesy, but i would rather tend to Einstein's relativity which says that everything is relative - including time. And by the way: everybody who's important and therefore waited for is as a rule tardy. In fact being on time is one of the great do-nots!

Today i shouldn't even have started to try to be as quick as my watch tells me. When my boyfriend's alarm rang at 7.30, i turned around knowing it was too early yet. At 7.45 my alarm managed to get me up and i then had to manage to get my boyfriend up. And this is the point where we were actually running late cuz we had to be at the trainstation at 8.20 to meet up with my boyfriend's father who was dropping by on his journey to Italy.

Finally we ended up hurrying, almost running, again and realizing that we at the trainstation at 8.25. Fine! Only five minutes - we were bettering!
But we were wrong: we were too early (imagine that!). The train would not arrive before 8.30 - a misunderstanding had taken place and therefore we were already on the platform when Stefan's father did arrive. Wow, it is a strange feeling to be the waiting one...

In the afternoon i had an appointment at the Innsbruck University's Language Institute (ISI) to convert a seat reservation for my next spanish course at 14.00. Although i thought i'd have enough time to go there calmly i ended up fetching the bus in a hurry again. And as i found myself at the wing of the building where the ISI should be i found that it ain't there any longer because of the great building lot at the Uni. It was by then already 14.01 - so i would actually have been on time, aye?
So i hurried to the wing - on the other end of the Uni of course - where the ISI office should be now. Arriving there the nice lady told me that i can't possibly have a seat reservation for today, because enrolling will not start before next week's monday... Great! My theory that timeliness is futile, turned out to be true!

And the moral of the story is: i should either get myself a filofax where i'll put all my schedules with a quarter hour adjustment, a loud alarm clock and tolarant people around me OR agree to the fact that tardyness is courteous - or at least give me a bit more leeway!

10 Februar 2008


"And I don't know if I'm being foolish
Don't know if I'm being wise
But it's something that I must believe in
And it's there when I look in your eyes"
(John Paul Young, Love is in the air)

Sometimes there's a need to share some thoughts with you, although i cannot tell you exactly why. Do you know the feeling, when you want to express something, which is rather an inner sentiment, but scarely to be put into words. Any act of art, painting or dancing would rather do to express the sense of it all...

Maybe it's because i'm looking forward to the beginning spring and the longer growing days, which awake a bright shining light deep within me that comes from an older source. I don't know much about it but its name. It is love.

Love is within everything and love is everything.
It has never been gone, it simply changes its appearance.

06 Februar 2008


Hip hey!

Carnival is the great time of nonsense in the year's circle. This time i decided to be again part of it... ;)

Well, that's not me of course!

...and neither this! That's my nephew ;)
Isn't it said that people use to disguise themselves as the person, animal or thing what they have always wanted to be? Well...

As a psychologist i would say it is better to act out one's feelings that way....


and even the ministry of witchcraft dropped round

...and by the end of the day i was like that:

01 Februar 2008

Adapting mainstream

Or: "The great fixing year continues - stories from the do-it-yourself workshop"

Each and every student's home has got many many pieces of furniture by Ikea. I love Ikea really very much! But i actually want to have "special" pieces of furniture that fit each other AND that fit within our flat, which is settled in an old town house of the 15th century. So you see, you either renew totally everything of the flat, so that modern furnishing doesn't seems out of place, which would mean to do away with the chunky wooden floor, but i couldn't have the heart to do that!

So we chose the second possibility, which is to adapt everything that's inside the flat to the style of the house.
In one special example i'm currently concerned with, i repainted Ikea-chairs (which were called Stefan). The goal was to give them a certain dark-wooden tone that fits the floor and the wooden old windows. And by the way - and in using a certain glaze - those chairs should look a bit more antique.

Here you can see the metamorphosis: on the right handside the original chair, in the middle you can see on that's in treatment right now, and on the left you see the perfect chair...

Well, almost perfect! Of course there'll be then a soft cushion on it - life is hard enough after all ;)

And when finished i lent back in my chair enjoying perfect music:

Cheers, Ingrid the handygirl