31 Jänner 2008
29 Jänner 2008
Best in the world
Since i just recently figured out that i will be soon living in the middle of Innsbruck's "fan mile" of UEFA's European Soccer Championship 08 which is going to take place in Austria and Switzerland. I don't know yet if that's good or bad, but i know that there will be party going on all night and drunken crowds under my window, so i think it'll be better to take holidays from work...
But since every cloud has its silver lining, the Spanish team will be playing in Innsbruck, which is much to the pleasure of all the Spaniards here which are not so little!
And as i think Spanish food is already best in the world - well besides Indian - i prepared my favourite dish last weekend: Chipirones y patatas a la gallega, which is squids and potatoes the galician style. Hmmmm delicious!
Unfortunately i cannot delivery you the smell yet via internet, but be assured, we had the greatmost pleasure in enjoying this meal ;) ...although i am not the best cook in the world, but i am not so bad i flatter myself! =^+^=
Btw: i found a cartoon on multiple choice tests - which i personally lovehate very very much!
Prof says: Read attentively the exam and then choose option a or option b.
Subtitle: Life is like a multiple choice test, sometimes it leaves you nothing more than a bad option or a worse option.
22 Jänner 2008
Umbralliant days
There are days when you get drowned without an umbrella. Somehow it's kind of out of use to use an umbrella - at least as far as i can judge from people on the streets. I remember my parents being also behind me to take an umbrella along when it was raining outside but nowadays even children run around in driving rain without any umbrella. At least it has been common to take an umbrella where i come from - even if it is another time...
At least, i tend to use umbrellas properly.
I don't mean to say that all things were generally better in former times. But when i come across people walking in a threesome using the whole of the pavement and you have to step down on the street to pass, i am actually longing for more sense in sidewalk-traffic.
16 Jänner 2008
The great-disposable-year
This year Stefan's Mum proclaimed the official "great disposable year" (originally titled "Das große Wegschmeiß-Jahr"), which means you throw away all the things which you haven't been using for ages. Maybe it has been inspired by Ikea's Knut, where you throw your Christmastree out of the window, but i quite liked the idea very much and so i chose to apply it to our household.
By the way: a big welcome back to our computer, he chose to stay alive for a little while longer.
The sense behind all the throw-away thingy is simply to get rid of all the stuff you don't need anymore - which has already been long over due... - and to finally get the things you really need.
E.g.: thing you don't need - guy driving his car (So you got a car..! Fine, and you know how to use your throttle very effectively... Good.... you're such a *$%~!^^*+ mmmh, let's look for a good spanish cuss word - no! let's look for)
E.g.: something you really need! True love could be this - but maybe it's already too hackneyed to be longed for?
Well, that's rubbish then... Ò_ò As it is, it's simply better for you in the long run to chuck away all your old ugly plates and to go and buy beautiful ones which make you smile when you eat from them. (quote: Maria José P.) - Not that i am now trying to promote diverse furniture stores, but sherds still bring good luck ;)
This is a work made out of shard by Patrick Shia Crabb
And concerning one of my favourite avocations - eating - i should really think about an inventory in my store cupboard. Maybe i should say adieu to my sister's christmas-cookie i forgot in a drawer...
But more than all this one should free oneself from all the material burdens that keep you from really living your life: to get rid of all the mental blockades and to change your point of view and see, life is great and it's worth living it!
Somehow i found more folk thinking about that topic...
In that sense i wish you a perfect yeaar 2008, let's see how this disposable year works out...
Slainte and cheers, Ingrid
14 Jänner 2008
Now i should know, why our computer chose to not work properly anymore...