Mas yo prosigo soñando, pobre, incurable sonámbula,
Con la eterna primavera de la vida que se apaga
Y la perenne frescura de los campos y las almas
(But i, poor cureless sleepwalker, continue dreaming
of eternal spring of life, which but expires
and of everlasting viridity of the meadows and the souls)
Rosalía de Castro

When days are becoming cold, dark and dull, i always keep longing for a brighter, sunnier place. Every year over and over again. After all i detest snow. (Well, you may argue that i'd better live somewhere else than in Tyrol...) I prefer warm weather and - most luxury of all - the sea nearby! Well, someday i will hopefully live in a warmer fields, but until then i will only have the chance to dream of and yearn for the sea...
"Es ist schon so lange her.
Es war schön, und zwar sehr.
Ich will wieder ans Meer!
Endlich wieder ans Meer..."
(995er Tief über Island, Sportfreunde Stiller)