30 Dezember 2007

Adoring memory

Well well, i know i will not keep my promise not to issue another post in the old year - but i cannot!
Through friendly advice i have found something very very beautiful which is a hommage to a beautiful man:

Maybe you can remember the episode of Princess Fantaghirò and the gorgeous sorcerer Tarabas played by Nicolas Rogers. I do remember very well - and how all the little girls were sighing because of him *ggg*

25 Dezember 2007

Best wishes

This will be my last entry for this year, so be glad you have endured my blog ^^
I'd like to seize the chance to say thankyou to my readers - though elected few but faithfull. Thanks for reading all my mental produce and be sure to stand by in 2008 - if you don't have other things to do.

Have a merry Christmas, fine holidays and a good take off for the New Year!
Blessings, Ingrid

(Reindeer by Patience Brewster)

21 Dezember 2007

Building bridges

Today is an important day for Europe:

the number of countries belonging to the Schengen Agreement increased and the external border of the community went eastwards. Yippie, finally free travel between "old" EU-states and the new former Eastern Bloc states.

Since i come from a town that lies on the Austrian (Salzburg) bank of a river that seperated us from Germany, i have been always sensitive for borders. I think, borders should be bridged since they were set up always by someone that didn't think about the people living on each side of the border balk. But even worse are boundaries inside people's mind and i hope that this enlargement of the Schengen area will add to people's openmindedness...

18 Dezember 2007

Xmas all over

Hi there!
Ever heard of Xmas-fever? Watch out, you may be already infected! It is everywhere...

I mean, Innsbruck is lovely indeed at Christmas time...

...and THIS is the place (amongst others) where all the Xmas-virus comes from. I have been infected too recently - as you may see in our flat:

I even got friendly with the Christmastree Stefan carried home...

Dear goodness, i barely recognize myself! Tz tz tz!
Fortunately this fever will reach its peak soon and then decline, phhew!

Get Myspace Christmas Countdown

Ooops! See, i didn't manage to escape! I turned into an elf!!! Whaaaaa!

My psycho-elfish crew

11 Dezember 2007


Mas yo prosigo soñando, pobre, incurable sonámbula,
Con la eterna primavera de la vida que se apaga

Y la perenne frescura de los campos y las almas

(But i, poor cureless sleepwalker, continue dreaming
of eternal spring of life, which but expires
and of everlasting viridity of the meadows and the souls)

Rosalía de Castro

When days are becoming cold, dark and dull, i always keep longing for a brighter, sunnier place. Every year over and over again. After all i detest snow. (Well, you may argue that i'd better live somewhere else than in Tyrol...) I prefer warm weather and - most luxury of all - the sea nearby! Well, someday i will hopefully live in a warmer fields, but until then i will only have the chance to dream of and yearn for the sea...

"Es ist schon so lange her.
Es war schön, und zwar sehr.
Ich will wieder ans Meer!
Endlich wieder ans Meer..."
(995er Tief über Island, Sportfreunde Stiller)

04 Dezember 2007

Welcome to the club

I have actually never been very keen on being a member of any kind of club.
But there are certainly some "organizations" were you can take some benefit from, like Ikea Family or... yes, McD's Junior Club where i was definitely bound to enroll our daughter - although she is still very young, but already a proud member of McD Junior Club (no advertising included *ggg*)