31 Oktober 2007
30 Oktober 2007
Survey passion
Without intending to plug blogger very hobnailed, i really have to tell you how much i am in love with it!
Shortly i have made out, that i am now able to implement surveys, yippiiiiieee! You must know, since i am studying psychology i really grew a "fan" of surveys, polls questionaires... Call me odd, but that's funny to "drill for answers", so please be so good as to take just five seconds of you life to answer my question on right top handside and make me smile ;)
Cheers, Ingrid
23 Oktober 2007
New home, sweet home
One thing i am still belated to tell you about is that i have the honour to present my new home - and it is not only mine, but it is OURS, Stefan's and mine!
It is the first time, we were moving together, so were both very nervous and fastidious with the rooms' arrangements: which colours fitted best for the walls, but this colour should go together with the floor's colour. Next the curtains should fit the room's set... I can assure you, this turned out to be a rather difficult undertaking! After all we did not share the same tast yet...
The first shock was since the house is an old building (and yes, ladies and gentlemen, we're living right inside the old town of Innsbruck!), it has been rather neglected by the owner, which would be ok if you are a normal student looking for a cheap home. But as it is in our case, we wanted to have a perfect cosy home, and so we started to first fix the windows...
...but then we ended up renovating the whole flat cause we thought if we first started to fix one thing, we could as well fix the other things.
You may call us foolish, since it is only a rental flat, and we will never get back money nor time invested, but we found it worth it. After all we chose to stay for longer in that flat ;)
So we ended up like this:
Thanks to some good mates we were able to be rather quick with painting the rooms and fixing nearly everything. It was hard work and it cost many tears and even more sweat, but also had a ball =^+^=
But in the end we were finished and are now happily living here, enjoying this beautiful view
Of course we started a big inauguration party, using the bath tube as a fridge for all the beer O;) (somehow, we didn't manage to take a photo of that...)
But this is a view (my favourite one) across the main room, where you're looking across our "jungle", haha!
Cheers, ing
(More photos here!)
17 Oktober 2007
Relations between science and the rest of life
Don't know much about history
Don't know much biology
Don't know much about a science book
Don't know much about the French I took
But I do know that I love you,
And I know that if you love me too,
What a wonderful world this would be.
Don't know much about geography
Don't know much trigonometry
Don't know much about algebra
Don't know what a slide rule is for
But I do know that one and one is two,
And if this one could be with you,
What a wonderful world this would be.
("Wonderful World" by Sam Cooke)
Since financial ressources do not come from an everflowing spring under my bed and nobody can live only from love and air neither, i had to search for a new opportunity to gain money to finance my studies.
And so it came that i will soon be working for Toys'R'us - yeah, i always wanted to be inside toys business since i was little. - Even if it was in a different way in my imagination... ;)
...and for all the other hours of my days goes:
08 Oktober 2007
Love is my religion
Here's one of my favourite songs at the moment: "Eres mi religion" by Maná
(Here you have the lyrics to sing along)