20 Juni 2007


Die Zeit geht mit der Zeit: Sie fliegt.
Kaum schrieb man sechs Gedichte,
ist schon ein halbes Jahr herum
und fühlt sich als Geschichte.

Die Kirschen werden reif und rot,
die süßen wie die sauren.
Auf zartes Laub fällt Staub, fällt Staub,
so sehr wir es bedauern.

Aus Gras wird Heu. Aus Obst Kompott.
Aus Herrlichkeit wird Nahrung.
Aus manchem, was das Herz erfuhr,
wird, bestenfalls, Erfahrung.

Es wird und war. Es war und wird.
Aus Kälbern werden Rinder
Und weil's zur Jahreszeit gehört,
aus Küssen kleine Kinder.

Die Vögel füttern ihre Brut
und singen nur noch selten.
So ist's bestellt in unsrer Welt,
der besten aller Welten.

Spät tritt der Abend in den Park,
mit Sternen auf der Weste.
Glühwürmchen ziehn mit Lampions
zu einem Gartenfeste.

Dort wird getrunken und gelacht.
In vorgerückter Stunde
tanzt dann der Abend mit der Nacht
die kurze Ehrenrunde.

Am letzten Tische streiten sich
ein Heide und ein Frommer,
ob's Wunder oder keine gibt.
Und nächstens wird es Sommer.

(Erich Kästner, Werke. Bd. I. Gedichte. S. 306 f.)

17 Juni 2007

My lefthand life

When i was a very small kid, my mummy used to tell me not to always do things with my left hand, but to use my right one instead. I remember that i suggested to "call my left hand the right one".
Well, it seems when reflecting this desultory piece of memory that i'm a relearned leftie nowadays and so i got a very special relationship with my left hand. It is actually the one that is mostly injured (could be due to now lack of skillfulness)

Anyway, i just wanted to tell a tale of my injured left hand, which is to be exact sprained.
Last weekend, i went hiking in the tyrolean mountain (yes, i know already, what you want to say: "of course, a lowland indian like you can only come back from hiking injured - if not dead"). Well, it was a fine day all in all...

The thing is that i noticed when arrived at home, that i caught a nasty sunburn (even if i greased myself with sunoil!) . But several days after this trip i found that my left hand was swollen and hurting. In fact, i had a little downfall on boulder and landed - yes, on my left hand. It actually didn't hurt until then, so i didn't bother about it. But then it suddenly became worse and didn't allow me to ride my bike anymore (which is WORST case scenario!).
So i went to my doc, who sent me straight to x-ray (i got now very cool x-rays of my left hand =^+^=) to see if something is broken.
Of course it wasn't - as i have never broken anything in my whole life - and i have to wear now a dressy bandage with curd cheese inside (homespun remedy ;))

Yeah, you never know why you have two hands, until you lose one of them (even if only temporarily)! And i can only recomend you to be careful when hiking on unknown terrain and when opening a beer with one hand - it always looks easier than it is!

Cheers, Ingrid
PS: visit this

12 Juni 2007

Summer in the city

Summer in the city means: it's awfully hot and muggy in town - how i loath being in town in that time being unable to go bathing or in the country in some other way...!
But there's one thing you can always do in Innsbruck to flee from the heat, it's going to the river Inn and take a (cold, lush cold!!!) bath, hmmmm!

By that way i should get some colour on my skin anyway... - no more being snowy-pale, urghhh!

"Soaring like a bird... where do we go?"
(Runrig - The Ocean Road)

11 Juni 2007

Reunion of the glorious 4

Studying at university is very much different to studying in school. One thing is that you can chose your timetable by yourself more or even less. The other thing is that you don't stay so close in touch to your peer-students than you do at school cuz you don't see them regularly.
This fact is also true for me and my three mates Conny, Doris and Petra and so we thought about a meeting for dinner.
We went to the Running-Sushi in Innsbruck, which promised to bear plenty of palate-treats ;)

Petra brought her daughter along and Doris brought her boyfriend Martin and i brought my lovely Stefan as well.

And after we were all stuffed and happy we posed for a photo *Cheeeeese*

...I think we should do that again some time!