24 Jänner 2007

Snow, you know

...and here it is! the diva that hesitated to show up this winter: SNOW! (schneefloeckchen, weissroeckchen... trallalla... *singing*)

of course i'm not very fond of it cuz my legs are always hurting when it snows but somehow it is just naturally having snow in winter. i mean, in summer i would go mad anyway...

14 Jänner 2007

Scorpio in the jam jar

Guess what, we found a tiny scorpio in our flat!

...and of course we immediately quarantined it in a jam jar and are now thinking about what to do with our little "pet"... you're very welcome if you have any clue!

There's even more paradise!

Yes, you may have already asked yourself, whether this were all photos of my trip to Asturias. - No, i still have some up my sleeve ;D (yeah, Veronika!)
And yes: i love the sea (and seafood *yummie*), and therefore i took loads of pictures of it... so, i have about 500 photos of it. O;)

that's at the port of Gijón:

still Gijón, even if you don't believe it - besides you should note that it was late December...!

that's the lovely village of Llanes:

La playa de Niembro:

11 Jänner 2007

There's a paradise...

Someone told me of a strange place to go...

a mysterious place...

a celtic land - "hay un paraíso", they said...

and I was ready to go there:

first we had to find the right way:

...and close before giving up...

...we found the promised land: Asturias, in the north of Spain
(La playa de Niembro)



02 Jänner 2007

Happy New Year!!!

I wish you all a Happy New Year 2007!

Feliz año 2007!