20 Dezember 2006

Farewell to the sun

sunlight is getting rarer these days, soon we'll have winter solstice - the longest night of the year! but remember: after that day, days are getting longer again ;)))

this was in ancient days called "Yule"

In ancient days the folk of old
When chilled with fright by winter's cold
Did kindle up a great Yule fire
With leaping flames in its great pyre;
So to entice the waning sun
To rise again and wider run;
It's fiery course across the sky,
To warm them so they would not die.

So we, whose minds now sense a chill
Of anger in the evil will,
The human conflict, hate, and strife,
Which hold a menace over life;
Would kindle up a flame of love
That we within our hearts may move,
In Yuletide joy, with love embrace
And thus abide in peace and grace.
John G. MacKinnon; 'Yule Fires'

18 Dezember 2006

want cookies?

haha, that's the lemming who's making cookies... *ggg*
(found at: http://www.nichtlustig.de/suche_erg.php?id=720&input=lemming)

03 Dezember 2006


Hip-hey, is already time for x-mas cookies again! - the only thing that makes me bear christmas...
Anyway, this year i found that making cookies can be fun.

...just grab yourself a dear person, drink some tea or whatever...

...have fun - and enjoy yummie cookies, especially when they're still warm! hmmmm! ^0^

02 Dezember 2006

Kitten testing

hmmm, i wonder what's inside this bag...?